A Beginner’s Guide to Holistic Healing
Welcome to the beginner’s guide to holistic healing! Before we go any further, let’s take a look at the buzz words: holistic healing. What is it? Why is everyone raving about it and its benefits?
In the rat race that is today’s society, it seems that everything has the potential to be harmful for us. We must carefully choose what foods we put into our bodies and what products we use in our homes. We must make sure we are drinking enough water, exercising for sufficient amounts of time, getting enough sleep, taking our vitamins and minerals and supplements (but not too much!) and making our mental health a priority. There is a lot going on, always. When something goes awry physically with our bodies, we are quick to jump to a conclusion and link our problem with its “direct” cause. But what if we didn’t try to blame one, and only one cause of that ailment? What if we took a step back and looked at the whole picture? What if we were able to prevent that ailment from even happening in the first place? Diving deep and finding the root of the ailment - THAT, my friends, is holistic healing.
Those who practice and preach holistic healing urge us to look at the whole picture; to take a step back and look at the person as a whole, rather than just as his or her medical condition. The approach to holistic health is one that aims to prevent health issues before they even arise. But how is that even possible? How are we supposed to possibly prevent sickness or injuries before they happen? It’s not like we’re over here being psychic! Well, by practicing methods that are rooted in the balance and equilibrium for the mind, body and spirit.
Our friends over at Azalea Acupuncture and Aesthetics believe in the practice of holistic healing and have helped us experience it first-hand. We are believers. Let’s delve into some of their services that can get you on the right track to be balanced, wholesome, and holistically healed!

Acupuncture is the insertion of single-use, extremely fine needles into the skin at specific “acupoints”. These acupuncture points can help to stimulate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system and release endorphins and serotonin. Endorphins are your body’s natural pain-killing chemicals. Serotonin is the chemical responsible for your mood. Thus, acupuncture is a great option for alleviating physical pains and boosting your mood and emotional wellbeing.
The ancient practice of cupping is performed by using a vacuum or suction on various parts of your body. (The body part is dependent on where you may be trying to ease pain from!) The vacuum decompresses muscles and connective tissue in the treated area which causes tiny blood vessels to break open under the skin. Your body regards the cupping area as an injury and begins sending more blood to the region and stimulating the body’s natural healing process.
Ear Seeds
Much like acupuncture, ear seeds are designed to be used on specific pressure points… but those pressure points are in your ear. Ear seeds are typically made of vaccaria seeds (the vaccaria plant is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine), but can also be made of metal or ceramic beads - and can even match your skin tone. They are placed on meridians (pathways in which energy flows) throughout the ear. Rectifying blockages to the flow of energy in our bodies helps us return to that wanted state of equilibrium and once achieved is claimed to help eliminate health problems like stress, addiction, anxiety, weight loss, and more.
Food Therapy
Food therapy is a branch of holistic medicine that uses food along with, or even instead of regular medications. Foods and herbs are selected for an individual based on their specific environment, age, personality, and disease/injury. Food therapy works to keep the body balanced by encouraging the consumption of foods that are in season as well as looking at the effects certain foods have on our bodies even after they are consumed.
As you can see, there is a lot that can contribute to a balanced being. Holistic medicine looks at the whole picture -your body, your mind, and your spirit. Obviously acupuncture, cupping, ear seeds, and food therapy are not the only embodiments of holistic healing. They are just contributing pieces of the puzzle. You can also practice yoga, meditate, get a massage, use essential oils… and explore other ways to embrace a holistic lifestyle. No matter if you try all of these things or none at all, I hope you lean into what makes your body feel nourished, whole, balanced, and free.

Hi! I’m Sheena. I’m a fitness aficionado and a lover of reality TV, naps, and breweries. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, preferably outside and being active. When I’m not working or working out, you can probably find me in the Taco Bell drive thru or telling bad dad jokes on Instagram.